ABC Impacts

Aviation and the Belgian Climate Policy :
Integration Options and Impacts

Presentation of the open section and its content

In this section, you will find information accessible to every one.

The page About us will give you a brief overview of the research teams involved in this project : CEESE-ULB, ETEC-VUB, ETEC-MOSI and ASTR-UCL, as well as the links to their respective website.

A specific Glossary focused on the issue of climate impacts and aviation is available.

As soon as possible, different synthetic explanation documents will be available on the page Documentation in order to present you the major items and stakes related to international air / maritime transport sectors and climate policies.

The page "Project publications" gathers all documents produced by the ABC Impacts consortium for the general public.

Selected References concerning the most synthetic and interesting documents as regards the problematic of international transport and climate policies are available, with a special focus on aviation and shipping. This page will be regularly updated.

On the page Related links, several associations related to the international aviation and shipping sectors are listed with reference to their own web address.

The page Impacts calculation will give you the opportunity to test by yourself the climate-impacts model developed by ASTR-UCL. This model aims at assessing global climate impacts generated by the aviation sector and contains several sensitivity parameters that can be modified. In a second phase, it would also be possible to calculate climate impacts generated by a single flight, at the global level but also at the regional one (cf. local impacts due to contrail and cirrus formation). The page will be progressively updated in parallel with the following steps :

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logo Belgian Science PolicyResearch project financed by the Belgian Science Policy in the programme "Science for a sustainable development" (SSD), first call

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